教师 Led 项目

教师-led Study Tours / Travel Courses

Join a faculty member on an academic experience abroad! Professors from FSU or other Massachusetts state universities combine experiential learning with academics to provide you and a small group of other college students with a fast-paced, unique course abroad. 

教师-led study tours are short-term study abroad opportunities that usually take place during Winter Break, Spring Break, or the Summer Term. They may last anywhere from 1-3 weeks. Some study tours award academic credit to student participants, which can be counted towards your general education requirements, major/minor requirements, and/or gen-eds. Other study tours are purely experiential learning opportunities. If you're seeking a longer study abroad program during the winter, 夏天, or full semester, be sure to review our main Program Choices page for more information. 

FSU 教师-led Study Tours

Previous tours led by FSU faculty members have gone to 印度, 爱尔兰, 中国, and the Dominican Republic! We are not offering any study tours during the 2021-2022 Academic Year. Stay tuned for upcoming FSU tours abroad in 2023! Details will be posted to this page and shared through the FSU Office of International 项目 and FSU academic departments. 

教师-led Courses Abroad with the Massachusetts State System

项目 offered at the other Massachusetts state universities are open to FSU students, most of which are an opportunity to earn academic credit. Take a look at the links below to access further information, and feel free to reach out to the FSU Office of International 项目 and/or the study abroad offices at our sister state schools for more details.

  • Bridgewater State University
    Recent study tours have gone to Belize, 加拿大, Cape Verde, 中国, 夏威夷, 牙买加, 日本, 约旦, South Korea, and Tanzania.
  • Fitchburg State University
    Recent study tours have gone to Hangzhou, 中国; Grenoble, France; Verona, 意大利; and Barcelona, 西班牙.
  • Massachusetts College of Art & 设计
    Recent travel courses have visited 日本, England, and Southeast Asia. 
  • Massachusetts College of Liberal 艺术
    Recent study tours have gone to 德国, 日本, Peru, and domestically within the U.S.
  • Salem State University
    Spring Break courses in Greece, Lativia, 利比里亚, Puerto Rico, and 墨西哥;  Summer 项目 in 中国, 印尼, 波兰, and Bermuda. Summer Language 项目 in 西班牙, 意大利, 加拿大, and France.
  • UMass Amherst
    Various thematically-focused 夏天 and spring break travel courses around Europe and Latin America. 
  • UMass Boston 
    Various thematically-focused 夏天 and spring break travel courses in places like Belize, 智利, 德国, 爱尔兰, 意大利, 摩洛哥, and the Netherlands.
  • UMass Lowell  
    Some recent travel courses have included Spanish language in 西班牙 and Cuba, and Entrepreneurship in 印度.
  • Westfield State University
    Recent study tours have gone to Belize, 肯尼亚, 印度, 墨西哥, Puerto Rico, 西班牙, 越南, Costa Rica, Greece and Israel.
  • Worcester State University
    Recent study tours have visited the Caribbean or Eastern Europe during the January Term, Spring Break, and/or Summer.